Kristen Butler Is Inspiring People To Live Their Best Lives Via The Power Of Positivity

Dealing with depression? Anxiety? Or struggling with your mental health? Kristen Butler, Founder of Power of Positivity, has some words for you: “Rock bottom is somewhere none of us ever want to be, but sometimes it happens. It's a place that, if we allow it, can destroy us. On the other hand, it can teach us about the deepest, darkest parts of ourselves for our ultimate growth.” (Kristen Butler, 2021)
Kristen Butler is the founder of Power Of Positivity – a force to reckon with in the personal development industry. She runs the brand, which reaches millions of people across the world, alongside her husband, Chris Butler, and an amazing team of freelancers.
When you hit rock bottom, as Butler knows from personal experience, it can be hard to know what direction your life is going in. But through pain comes an opportunity for change. Kristen's journey, through life’s peaks and valleys, has inspired millions of people across the world to live a life anchored in positivity. When she was in her 20's, there wasn't anything that would have predicted how much attention this young woman would receive for being an inspiration to millions of people years later.
Unless someone who’s been there tells you how they overcame their challenges, you may think it’s all talk or easier said than done, but Kristen has been there and was able to come out the other side through the help of positive affirmations – and she’s helping others do the same. That's why we all need someone in our corner to help us stay positive and motivated — someone like Kristen Butler.
Kristen started her community as a way to help others find inspiration and live their best lives through positivity, while she was also going through her own healing process. What started as a small community has now grown to include 50 million people who consume her carefully curated content on mindset shifts, positivity, inspiration, relationships, quotes, health and wellness, positive affirmations, mental health, good news, spirituality, yoga, weight loss, mindfulness, gratitude, and more.

Kristen's positive mindset has been a huge help to her throughout her entrepreneurial journey. So much so that she credits positive affirmations with helping her develop a strong mindset that helped her push through depression.
In addition to running Power Of Positivity, Kristen is also an author and speaker. Her book, The Comfort Zone, will be published April 18, 2023 with Hay House. Her 3 Minute Positivity Journal, which continues to be a bestseller, is now officially owned by Penguin Random House / Hay House is in the process of being distributed in stores worldwide. Kristen is also a featured expert on numerous podcasts, where she shares her insights on how to live a positive and productive life.
Kristen is a wife and proud mom of two beautiful daughters and furry friends who lives in the mountains of Asheville, NC, with her family. She has been through rock bottom, but found hope through mindset implementation and positive thinking.
Wherever you are and whatever you are going through, Kristen wants you to know that someone else has passed through that phase, and your mindset matters in order to push through whatever you’re faced with. It was this desire to help others that inspired her to create her 3 Minute Positivity Journal, which has been featured on
Kristen’s brand has become one of the most popular destinations for free uplifting content on the internet. Powered by its ever-growing community of passionate members, Power Of Positivity makes it easy for people to find and share content that makes them feel good.
The website's popularity has grown beyond borders. Power Of Positivity now reaches millions of people around the world every month and helps people through a variety of free and paid content, courses, products, and services.
In addition to running Power Of Positivity, Kristen is also a certified life coach. She loves helping people tap into their own power so they can create the lives they've always dreamed of living.A pioneer in the positive mindset space, Kristen has been quoted in several high profile online publications such as Good Housekeeping, Country Living, Southern Living, and more.
Kristen's mission is to help people live their best lives by sharing the power of positivity. No matter what challenges you're facing in your life, the power of positivity can help you get through them. Whether you're dealing with stress, working on goals, overcoming adversity, and ready to make a positive change in your life, Kristen Butler and the Power of Positivity will surely support you.